Personal Property Consumer Resources

Whether you own a piece of fine art, jewelry, a collectible item, or an ordinary article found in any household, you may need to know what it is worth. Or it might be some type of machinery, such as a car, a fleet of cars, or farm or manufacturing equipment. It could be an item you own now or something in which you might acquire a financial interest. Regardless, eventually, most of us need to know the value of an item of personal property, either to preserve it as an asset or use it to create additional wealth while managing the risks of ownership. 

By preparing professional appraisals, qualified appraisers give you the objective information you need to make financial decisions in your best interests. But who is a qualified appraiser? What is a professional appraisal?

Below are some resources to help answer these questions. Please also visit our Personal Property Best Practices page!

Personal Property Appraisal Brochures


Personal Property Appraiser Qualification Criteria


Personal Property Appraisals and You

The Four D's in Personal Property Appraisal

The Personal Property Appraiser Qualification Criteria establishes minimum requirements for all personal property appraisers who are members of sponsoring organizations of The Appraisal Foundation. Personal property appraisers who are not members of sponsoring organizations are encouraged, but are not required, to follow the minimum education and experience recommendations established by the Criteria.

This brochure details information about personal property appraisal including what a personal property appraiser is, how to know if they are qualified and essential elements of a credible appraisal. As hard as we may try, we may not be able to adequately prepare for all of the pitfalls of life. Learn how a professional personal property appraiser plays a crucial role in navigating what is often referred to as the "four D's": death, disaster, divorce, and debt.

Valuation of Personal Property

Valuation of Machinery and Equipment

Valuation of Gems and Jewelry

Valuation of Fine and Decorative Art

The purpose of this brochure is to help you understand a machinery and equipment appraisal.

The purpose of this brochure is to help you understand a gem and jewelry appraisal, the process, and what you need to know in choosing an appraiser who is right for you.. This brochure will help you understand fine art, decorative art and antiques appraisal.

When do you need a credentialed appraiser?

How Do You Find a Credentialed Personal Property Appraiser