How to Become an Appraiser Qualifications Board Certified USPAP® Instructor

The Instructor Certification Course (ICC) is a 2.5 day classroom course given by The Appraisal Foundation (Foundation) once every two years to certify individuals to teach the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) courses. The intent of the course is to ensure that individuals teaching USPAP have in-depth knowledge and understanding of USPAP.

To become an Appraiser Qualifications Board (AQB) Certified USPAP Instructor you must complete the steps listed below:
  1. Check the ICC Policy Statement. to see if you meet the prerequisites to apply;
  2. Apply online to the AQB Certified USPAP Instructor Program; 
  3. Upon notification of the application’s approval, register for the ICC;
  4. Attend the entire ICC and successfully complete the examination; and
  5. After attending the entire ICC and passing the examination, complete and sign a USPAP Instructor Performance and a Confidentiality Agreement and submit these documents to Foundation staff.
If you are interested in a future course, please review the ICC Frequently Asked Questions.

How much does the Instructor Certification Course cost?

The application fee is $50, and the course fee is $525.  The course fee includes the cost and shipping of the material.  

This fee does not include the cost of travel or overnight hotel stays; however, the Foundation typically has a room block at the hotel where the course is held in order to provide a reasonable hotel rate for attendees. Attendees are responsible for making their own hotel and travel arrangements.  

What is the Foundation’s ICC cancellation policy?

The Foundation has a course registration deadline (this may be a different date than the hotel registration deadline). Individuals who cancel their ICC registration prior to the registration deadline will receive a full refund of their course fee ($525).  However, the entire course fee will be forfeited if a cancellation is made after the registration deadline.

When will the ICC be offered?

The next ICC is scheduled for November 7-10, 2024. Complete the ICC Application for consideration. The course is first-come, first-served.

After Attending the Instructor Certification Course

The Foundation will notify course attendees of their examination result within 30 days of completion of the course. Attendees will receive a letter containing a pass or fail status only; specific scores will not be provided. Please do not contact the Foundation for your examination result.

Individuals who pass the examination will receive notification of successful completion along with a copy of the Instructor Performance Agreement and associated policies. The Instructor Performance Agreement clarifies the terms of the instructor’s certification and the relationship between AQB Certified USPAP Instructors and the Foundation. Instructors must complete and return an original signed agreement to receive their instructor certification.

Individuals who do not successfully pass the examination will receive notification along with a Strength and Weakness Report.  The Strength and Weakness Report will identify the specific lessons of the course material where examination answers were deficient.  

Participants who fail the examination will be eligible to retake the course examination for $99. An examination retake date will be scheduled shortly after the course offering.  

Applicants may take the ICC no more than two (2) times over any consecutive ten (10) year period. If an applicant fails the ICC examination, the examination can be retaken no more than one (1) time after each course offering. Therefore, applicants may take no more than four (4) course examinations within any consecutive ten (10) year period.

Interested in the Next ICC?

To be notified of the next ICC offering, please complete the survey HERE or below. Thank you!